lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Hidra Scorp


Its name is HidraScor because it’s a scorpion and its motor functions are making whit water


1.     32 Needles Of. 60cc

2.     120 pallets the one that doctor use in consult

3.     100 screws about approximate to 3.4cm of long distance

4.     16 intravenous tube

5.     Tape or in case that there’s no one use an plastic secure

1-. In First place it has to star to assemble the feet’s of the scorpion, being 3 on each side there are 6 in total, on a way that it could move perpendicularly whit the needles that must be on between the pallets, with the screws doing pressure to hold them to a prudential distance without making them create an incredible pressure on the needles. Check out our illustration down make by the group:

2-. Once we end the first step, its important to put some  sticky tape, and make sure that the legs cant move from the place, in it's absence  some plastic holders instead, unite the screws whit the palets.

3-. The last step must be repeated 3 times to be united to the 3 legs on each side, one finish that step, must be assemble the superior part of the torso, where is going to be the Pliers of the HidraScor, This superior part or the torso is going to intercalate leaving space between the pallets, for the other part of the torso.


4-. The last step to end our HidraScor is doing the tail of our scorpion, to make this happen, we got to make a long extension of pallets that connect whit needles on a way that make’s move our tail when the water 
came into the needle. Check the 
image down:

Remenber theres no impossible, theres only new missions to be make 

This is the finish experiment

Hidra Scorp :D


Su nombre es HidraScor  a causa de que es un escorpión (Escorpión), y sus funciones Motoras se hacen a través del agua.


1.     32 Inyectadoras de 60cc
2.     120  Paletas de consulta medica o en su paletas de helado
3.     100 Tuercas de aproximadamente una medida de 3.4Cm de largo
4.     16 Vías de intravenosa (mangueras transparentes)
5.     Cita adhesiva en su defecto seguros de plástico (los que se usan para acomodar los cables en los paquetes)

Pasos a seguir:

1-.Primero que todo se tiene que empezar a ensamblar las patas (6 siendo 3 de cada lado) de manera que se Puedan mover perpendicularmente con las Inyectadoras que van en el Medio de ambas, con las tuercas haciendo la presión para mantenerlas a una distancia prudencial de manera que estén sin crear presión a las Inyectadoras. Ilustrados en esta imagen diseñada por el grupo:

2-.Una vez terminadas las Patas del HidraScor se va a asegurar las Inyectadoras con Cinta adhesiva o en su defecto con sujetadores de plástico, Luego de esto, se deben unir las tuercas con las paletas alternas que serán el torso de nuestro HidraScor Tal y como lo ilustra el plano:

3-.el paso anterior se repite 3 veces para ir unido a las 3 patas de ambos lados, Terminado este paso, se comienza a armar la parte superior del torso Donde se van a colocar las Tenazas del HidraScor, Esta parte superior del torso se va debe intercalar dejando un espacio entre las paletas, para que en ese espacio restante entren el torso de abajo.

4-. El ultimo paso Para terminar nuestro HidraScor es hacer la cola de nuestro escorpión para lograr cumplir con las funciones motoras del escorpión, falta que se defienda, así que se hará una gran extensión  con paletas que conecten las Inyectadoras de manera que al salir el soporte de la inyectadora, se abra la cola del escorpión y así de la misma manera al cerrarse. Como ilustra la siguiente imagen, y el modelo terminado.

                                                                      Experimento finalizado

Y finalmente Tenemos al grupo que hizo esto posible, en la feria científica que se dio en el UEN Nicanor Bolet Peraza, Recuerden No hay imposibles solo hay nuevas metas y Logros.

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012


¿Que es?
Es el estudio de la herencia, que se encarga de analizar y comprender cómo la herencia biológica es transmitida de una generación a la siguiente, es decir de padres a hijos; fue el monje agustino Gregor Mendel  y su investigación sobre hibridación en guisantes, publicada en 1866, los primeros descubrimientos acerca de la genetica. La apariencia de una persona estatura, color del cabello,  piel y de los ojos está determinada por los genes.

¿Que es un gen?

Es un segmento corto de ADN, que le dice al cuerpo cómo producir una proteina específica , hay aproximadamente 30,000 genes en cada célula del cuerpo humano y la combinación de todos los genes constituye el material hereditario para el cuerpo humano y sus funciones por eso la composición genética de una persona se llama genotipo.

Los genes están localizados en hebras de ADN, de manera similar a una sarta de cuentas. Las hebras de ADN conforman los cromosomas estos contienen pares apareados de una copia de un gen específico. El gen se encuentra en la misma posición en cada cromosoma.En los seres humanos existen 46 cromosomas 2 cromosomas sexuales y 22 pares de cromosomas no sexuales (autosómicos). Los hombres tienen "46, XY" y la mujeres "46, XX". Los cromosomas se componen de hebras de información genética, llamado ADN.
En las mujeres, un cromosoma sexual obtiene su gen de la madre y el otro cromosoma sexual apareado tiene el gen del padre.En los hombres, un sólo cromosoma X proviene de la madre y un cromosoma Y no apareado proviene del padre
Los pares de cromosomas autosómicos (uno de la madre y otro del padre) portan básicamente la misma información, es decir, cada uno tiene los mismos genes; sin embargo, puede haber ligeras variaciones de estos genes. Estas variaciones ligeras se presentan en menos del 1% de la secuencia de ADN y producen variantes de un gen particular, llamadas alelos.

Los rasgos genéticos, como el color de los ojos, se describen como dominantes o recesivos:

  • Los rasgos dominantes son controlados por un gen en el par.
  • Los rasgos recesivos requieren que ambos genes en el par de genes trabajen juntos para controlar el rasgo

Muchas características personales, como la estatura, son determinadas por más de un gen. Sin embargo, algunas enfermedades, pueden ser ocasionadas por un cambio en un solo gen.

¿Que sucede cuando un gen es anormal?

Si un gen es anormal, puede llevar a una proteína anormal o a una cantidad anormal de una proteína normal. Debido a que los cromosomas autosómicos ( uno de la madre y uno del padre ) vienen en pares, hay 2 copias de cada gen, una de cada uno de los padres. Si uno de estos genes es defectuoso, el otro puede producir suficiente proteína, de tal manera que no se observa ninguna enfermedad. Esto se denomina una enfermedad recesiva y se dice que el gen es heredado en un patrón recesivo.Sin embargo, si únicamente se necesita un gen anormal para producir la enfermedad, se denomina un trastorno hereditario dominante. En este caso, si un gen anormal se hereda del padre o de la madre, el niño probablemente manifestará la enfermedad.

A una persona con un gen anormal se la denomina Heterocigoto para ese gen. Si un niño recibe un gen anormal para enfermedad recesiva de ambos padres, manifestará la enfermedad y será un niño Homocigoto para ese gen.Si los dos padres tienen cada uno una copia de un gen para enfermedad recesiva, entonces cada hijo tiene una probabilidad de 25% (1 en 4) de manifestar la enfermedad. Si uno de los padres tiene dos copias del gen patológico y el otro tiene una copia, entonces el niño tiene un 50% (1 en 2) de probabilidad de ser homocigoto.

Transtornos  geneticos

Casi todas las enfermedades tienen un componente genético, pero la importancia de ese componente varía. Los trastornos en los cuales los genes juegan un papel importante (enfermedades genéticas) se pueden clasificar como:
  • Defectos monogenéticos
  • Trastornos cromosómicos
  • Multifactoriales
Un trastorno monogenético, también llamado trastorno mendeliano, es causado por un defecto en un gen particular. Los trastornos monogenéticos son poco comunes, pero dado que hay cerca de 18.000 trastornos monogenéticos conocidos, su impacto combinado es considerable.

En los trastornos cromosómicos, el defecto se debe a un exceso o falta de genes contenidos en todo un cromosoma o en un segmento de un cromosoma.
Los trastornos cromosómicos abarcan:
  • Síndrome de Down
  • Síndrome de Klinefelter
  • Síndrome de Turner

y en los transtornos multifactoriales muchas de las enfermedades más comunes implican interacciones de algunos genes y el ambiente (por ejemplo, enfermedades en la madre y medicamentos). Éstas abarcan:
  • Cáncer
  • Cardiopatía coronaria
  • Hipertensión
  • Accidente cerebrovascular

Transtornos mitocondriales ligados al ADN

Las mitocondrias son pequeños organismos presentes en la mayoría de las células del cuerpo y son responsables de la producción de energía dentro de éstas. Las mitocondrias contienen su propio ADN privado.En los últimos años, se ha demostrado que más de 60 trastornos hereditarios resultan de cambios (mutaciones) en el ADN mitocondrial. Dado que las mitocondrias provienen sólo del óvulo, la mayoría de los trastornos relacionados con ellas se heredan únicamente de la madre.
Los trastornos mitocondriales pueden aparecer a cualquier edad y tienen una amplia variedad de síntomas y signos. Estos trastornos pueden causar:
  • Ceguera
  • Retraso en el desarrollo
  • problemas gastrointestinales
  • Hipoacusia
  • Problemas del ritmo cardíaco
  • Alteraciones metabólicas
  • Baja estatura


¿that is?
It is the study of heredity, which is responsible for analyzing and understanding how biological heritage is transmitted from one generation to the next, ie from parents to children, was the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel and his peas hybridization research, published in 1866, the first discoveries about genetics. The appearance of a person's height, hair color, skin and eyes is determined by genes.

¿that is a gen?

It is a short segment of DNA that tells the body how to produce a specific protein, there are approximately 30,000 genes in every cell of the human body and the combination of all genes makes up the blueprint for the human body and its functions so the composition genetics of a person is called genotype

Genes are located in the DNA strands, similar to a string of beads. The DNA strands make up the chromosomes they contain matching pairs of one copy of a specific gene. The gene is located in the same position on each cromosoma.En humans there are 46 chromosomes, 2 sex chromosomes and 22 pairs of nonsex chromosomes (autosomes). Males are "46, XY" and females "46, XX". Chromosomes are composed of strands of genetic information called DNA.
In women, a sex chromosome gets its gene from the mother and one sex chromosome has the gene paired padre.En men, a single X chromosome from the mother and one Y chromosome from the father unpaired

The pairs of autosomal chromosomes (one from the mother and one father) carry basically the same information, ie each has the same genes, but there may be slight variations in these genes. These slight differences occur in less than 1% of the DNA sequence and produce variants of a particular gene, called alleles.

Genetic traits such as eye color, are described as dominant or recessive:

  • Dominant traits are controlled by a gene in the pair.
      • Recessive traits require both genes in the gene pair to work together to control the trait

Many personal characteristics such as height, are determined by more than one gene. However, some diseases can be caused by a change in a single gene.

¿that happens when a gen is abnormal?

If a gene
is abnormal, can lead to an abnormal protein or an abnormal amount of a normal protein. Since the autosomal chromosomes (one from the mother and one father) come in pairs, there are 2 copies of each gene, one from each parent. If one of these genes is defective, the other can produce sufficient protein, such that any disease is not observed. This is called a recessive disease and is said that the gene is inherited in a pattern recesivo.Sin But if only one abnormal gene is needed to produce the disease is called a dominant hereditary disorder. In this case, if an abnormal gene is inherited from the father or mother, the child will likely show the disease

A person with an abnormal gene is termed heterozygous for that gene. If a child receives an abnormal recessive disease gene from both parents, and will show the disease homozygous for a child that both parents gen.Si each have a copy of a recessive disease gene, then each child has a probability of 25 % (1 in 4) to manifest the disease. If one parent has two copies of the disease gene and the other has a copy, then the child has a 50% (1 in 2) chance of being homozygous.
 genetic disorders

Almost all diseases have a genetic component, but the importance of that component varies. Disorders in which genes play an important role (genetic diseases) can be classified as:
Single-gene defects
chromosomal disorders
A single gene disorder, also called Mendelian disorder is caused by a defect in a particular gene. Single gene defects are rare, but since there are about 18,000 known single gene disorders, their combined impact is significant

In chromosomal disorders, the defect is due to an excess or lack of genes on an entire chromosome or a segment of a chromosome.

Chromosomal disorders include:  

Down Syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome

Turner Syndrome

 multifactorial disorders and in many of the most common diseases involve interactions of several  genes and the environment (eg, illness in the mother and medications). These include:

• Cancer
Coronary heart disease
• Hypertension
• Stroke

  Mitochondrial disorders linked to DNA

Mitochondria are small organisms present in most cells in the body and are responsible for the production of energy within them. Mitochondria contain their own DNA privado.En recent years has shown that more than 60 hereditary disorders result from changes (mutations) in mitochondrial DNA. Because mitochondria come only from the egg, most related disorders are inherited only from the mother.

Mitochondrial disorders can appear at any age and have a wide variety of symptoms and signs. These disorders can cause:

• Blindness
Failure to thrive
gastrointestinal problems
Hearing loss
Heart rhythm problems
Short stature


Animal Rights

Animal Rights
The Danta or Tapir.

The tapir is the largest and heaviest mammal of tropical America. It measures seven feet long and one meter tall and weigh about 250 kilograms. It is an herbivorous animal and remains in the jungle, surrounded by lush vegetation and near water bodies like lakes and marshes. During daylight hours, the tapir remains hidden, while at night emerges from the woods to feed freely. Their habits are aquatic, as it takes, often, baths to cool and regulate their body temperature. Also, take advantage of their swimming ability to escape quickly from any threat. On the other hand, used to take mud baths that are used to eliminate parasites from your skin big. This species was hunted in abundance in past decades for the production of meat and leather, hence their populations have declined severely and now to day is not so named, its scientific name is Tapirus terrestris.

habitat and feeding.

They are found in forested environment in near water, can also live in open water and distant. Maintains a large population in the Amazon jungle and hillside of Andes.Son omnivorous, although their diet is based on plant material. They eat fruit, leaves and herbs mainly, but also eat aquatic plants, tree bark, coconut. Also small vertebrates and invertebrates.


They mate in April, May or June, reaching sexual maturity in their third year of life. Women go through a gestation period of 13 months (390-395 days) and usually have one calf every two years. Tapir newborns weigh about 15 kilos and are weaned in about six months.

Action to recover this endangered animal.

 *  Avoid cutting down trees
 * Take photographs
 * Transmit information
 * Create campaign against the hunting of tapir
 * Create awareness in each of the Venezuelan

And last picture of our exposure:

Derechos De los Animales

Derechos de los Animales
La Danta o Tapir

La danta es el mamífero más grande y pesado de los trópicos de América. Mide más de dos metros de largo y un metro de alto, y puede pesar unos 250 kilogramos. Es un animal herbívoro y se mantiene en la selva, rodeado de abundante vegetación y cercano a los cuerpos de agua, como lagos y ciénagas. Durante las horas del día, la danta permanece oculta, mientras que por la noche surge de la espesura para alimentarse con libertad. Sus hábitos son semiacuáticos, ya que toma, con frecuencia, baños para refrescarse y así regular su temperatura corporal. Además, aprovecha su habilidad de nado para escapar con rapidez de cualquier amenaza. Por otra parte, acostumbra a tomar baños de lodo que le sirven para eliminar los parásitos de su piel grande.Esta especie fue cazada en abundancia en décadas pasadas para la obtención de carne y cuero; de ahí que sus poblaciones hayan disminuido severamente y que hoy en dia no sea tan nombrada, su nombre científico es Tapirus terrestres.

Habitat y alimentación

Se encuentran en en ambiente forestados cerca del agua, aunque también puede vivir en ambientes abiertos o lejanos al agua. Mantiene una importante población en la cuenca del Amazonas y en laderas selváticas de los Andes.Son omnívoros, aunque su alimentación se basa en material vegetal. Se alimentan de frutas, hojas y hierbas sobre todo, aunque también comen plantas acuáticas, corteza de árboles, cocos. También de pequeños vertebrados e invertebrados.


Se aparean en abril, mayo o junio, alcanzando la madurez sexual en su tercer año de vida. Las mujeres pasan por un período de gestación de 13 meses (390-395 días) y suele tener una cría cada dos años. Tapires recién nacidos pesan unos 15 kilos y se destetan en unos seis meses.

Medidas para recuperar a este animal en peligro de extincion
* Evita la tala de los Arboles
* Toma fotografias
* Transmite la información
* Crea campaña contra la caceria de danta
* Crea conciencia en cada uno de los venezolanos

Y por ultimo Foto de nuestra expocicion :

martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Friend Of The world

                             Mi Nombre: Karla

Para mis amigos karli, Tata y Nana
Me encanta el chocolate, escucho mucha musica de toda clase
Me gusta bailar, salir con mis amig@s hacer ejercicio(cuando me despego de la cama).amo la comedia.
que mis amigos sean muy sinceros conmigo y que no mientan(en especial los que más quiero)
Mi colores favoritos el Morado y Negro y no me gustan colores exagerados como el fucsia fosforescente
Me gusta que aprecien mi amistad :) como yo la de mis amigos
Amo y Adoro a mi familia y a mi compañero de la niñes :D Lafy (mi perrito)
Sin más nada que decirles chicos y chicas disfruten del Blog¡ Ya saben acepto chocolates carre :D

Mi nombre:Genesis

No hay mucho que decir, me gusta casi todos los generos musicales a exepcion del regaeton (la invencion del hombre para conseguir sexo más rapido D:) de resto escucho hasta las cucarachas en la noche,mis hobbies:Pues si me preguntan creo que mi hobbie es tocar guitarra,chatear,salir a tomar con los panas,

que más les puedo decir para que vean el blog? ah ya¡ pues me encanta todo relacionado con electronica :D que más, No me gustan ni me caen bien las personas superficiales creo que lo bello esta en el interior...y pues ya se me acabo la imaginacion chicos los dejo con el Blog ;) espero que lo disfruten¡ ;) ya saben, para tomar? solo los fines de semana :D

Mi nombre: Cristhian

Para ti? Cris

Para nadie es secreto que me gusta el Bascketball *-* creo que no existe un deporte x el cual sienta tal pasion, me agrada que la gente sea sincera conmigo, si quieren saber algo de mi pues, cuando me propongo una meta lo logro sin importar los sacrificios que yo tenga que hacer... Creo que nada debe interferir en los sueños de nadie, me gusta la musica del imperio que digo americana... :3 me agrada mucho pero no solo escucho musica americana tambien de otros generos :D

Una de mis comidas favoritas LA PIZZA (clase TODAS :D)

y pues Amo a mis amigos :D salir con ellos jugar bascket,y compartir momentos graciosos

Mi nombre:Yexseli

Si quieres me puedes llamar yexse

Mi genero musical el rock , que si me gusta solo el rock? No, tampoco tengo timpanos de acero,

si me gustan otros generos me gusta un poco de todo :D.

que cosas Amo? Pues amo Trabajar con animales simplemente es mi vocacion, Pero lo qúe Yo más amo en este mundo es a mi familia bella y hermosa, algo que deben saber para llevarse bien conmigo es:

ME GUSTA SALIR con mis amigos y solo pasar el rato, detesto estar encerrada me gusta ser libre cada quien lo es :) y pues que más chicos? a ver, a ver? Pues creo que es todo ;) y Pues mi canal favorito MTV :D Y claro *-* Muero x mi banda favorita PARAMORE¡ :D sin más nada q escribir los dejo¡ los veo al rato¡

Friend Of The World

Wath is the VIH?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus that when left untreated, progresses to AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. With lel time have identified 2 types of human immunodeficiency virus: HIV 1 and HIV 2., The first, first called LAV, was isolated in 1983 by a team led Pasteur Institute by Luc Montagnier .  Three years later he isolated HIV2 which is located in the area of West Africa. HIV 2 is less pathogenic than HIV1.
The virus attacks the body's immune system, especially the white blood cells called CD-4 (also called "T cells"). The immune system is one that fight infection to keep your body healthy, T cells play an important role keeping the person protected against infection. If the immune system is weak, it can protect the body and is easy to get sick. It takes an average period of 10 years for someone infected with the HIV virus develops SIDA.sin however, this average is based on the infected person in a reasonable feed, someone who has problems of malnutrition may develop AIDS more quickly. According to the report of the United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS) ages most affected by AIDS are between 25 and 34 years. every day there are 6,000 young people between 15 and 24 years of age and 2,000 children under 15 years who are infected. One tenth of the newly infected are under 15 years, leading to 2.7 million the number of children currently living with HIV. It is believed that the majority (approximately 90%) has been infected through their mothers through pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Over 13 million children orphaned by AIDS, and 1,600 die daily. . The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that for this decade at least 110 million people worldwide are infected with HIV.

How is it transmitted?

This virus is found in blood and sexual fluids of an infected person and in breast milk from an infected mother. The same transmission occurs when a sufficient quantity of these fluids enters the bloodstream of another person, is so weak he can not live off the blood or fluids that have been mentioned because it resists heat, cold, humidity, dry air or disinfectants.
There are several ways in which a person can become infected with HIV:
·         Unprotected sex with an infected person. The practice of unprotected sex carries the risk of infection
·         Contact with the blood of an infected person. If a sufficient amount of blood that belongs to an infection enters the body of another person, the virus can be transmitted.
·          Use of infected blood products. A few years ago, many people became infected with HIV through the use of blood transfusions and blood products were contaminated with the virus. In various parts of the world, this is no longer a significant risk, as blood donations are scanned for the HIV virus.
·          Injectable Drugs. can be transmitted when using equipment that has been previously used by infected people. In many parts of the world, because it is illegal to possess, shared injecting equipment and syringes.
·          From mother to child. can be transmitted from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding

AIDS can infect anyone, and we all know how we can ensure infected or not, is not transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, fleas, bees or other similar insects. Mosquitoes do not transmit for two reasons:
1. The mosquito sucks blood, but injects saliva. The blood has to be injected again.
2. HIV dies within the body of the mosquito.

It is impossible to be transmitted:
- When shaking hands, hugging or kissing a person carrying or sick.
- For droplets of saliva expelled a person talking, coughing, sneezing or simply breathing.
- For use phones of people infected or ill.
- To use common sanitary.
- By sharing eating utensils.
- Through the saliva or hair of pets such as dogs or cats
- Through sharing clothing, towels, sheets or a sick or carrier.
- For swimming with someone sick or carrier.
- By going to school, work or share some social gathering, with a carrier or ill person.
- By donating blood using disposable needles.
-For a haircut with scissors used in hair salons.
- By eating food prepared by an infected or ill.
- To give massages to people infected or ill.
- To administer rescue breathing. especially if there are no wounds or cavities in the mouth of the healthy person, if so, it is best to ask someone else to do


Some people experience a kind of flu, rash or swollen lymph nodes for a short period after infection. . Secondary symptoms are:
persistent cough for over a month;
_ Heavy sweating at night;
Itchy skin rashes _;
_ Canker sores;
_ Thrush (fungal infection in the mouth and throat);
_ Herpes infection, and
_ Swollen glands.
However, they are also common symptoms of minor illnesses and do not necessarily imply that the person is infected.
Often people infected with HIV have no symptoms. It is important to remember that a person with HIV can transmit the virus immediately after infection, even if you feel healthy. It is not possible to say at a glance that a person is infected with HIV.
The only way to know for sure whether someone is infected is that the person to undergo an HIV screening test.

How is treated VIH

Antiretroviral drugs reduce levels of HIV in the body, so that the immune system can recover and function effectively. Antiretroviral drugs allow HIV-positive many people enjoy a long and healthy life.
That is, the medications should be taken every day for the rest of the life of the infected. Following the treatment is especially important because  it increases the risk of drug resistance. The side effects of HIV drugs can cause treatment compliance more difficult. In addition, these drugs tend to be very strong. There are ways to reduce the impact of these side effects, but sometimes it is necessary to abandon the previous treatment and start an alternative treatment.
More than 20 antiretroviral drugs are approved for the treatment of this infection in the United States and Europe, and new drugs currently under study. Although treatment for HIV has become more accessible in recent years, access to antiretroviral treatment has restrictions in parts of the world due to lack of funds.

Tests to detect?

The diagnosis for the presence of HIV or AIDS should be very careful and made with all responsibility and ethics, the impact this disease has on the personal, family and social taboos sick about it.
Diagnosis begins with a complete medical history to record the lifestyle of the person, especially sexual, so the person must be very honest and fully disclosed, with the confidence that you consult the doctor must respect the ethical standards that are part of the medical response. It is also important to discuss with your doctor if you have been subjected to blood transfusions and when they happened or has been in contact with human blood without protection, either because they work with it or who has attended an accident.
The laboratory test that requires the presence of HIV antibodies is known as ELISA, is performed in clinical laboratories, health centers and clinics for sexually transmitted diseases.
The first test for HIV, it can sometimes be negative, because from infection to positive seroconversion can spend a period of "blind" or false negative, so if you have doubt or risk behaviors have developed is advisable to conduct a further review in a period of about 6 months in which roughly 95% of those infected with positive results. This period is very important because if you trust the person can infect others. It is considered as a person infected with HIV or HIV positive to having two positive tests and a positive supplemental test.
However, being HIV positive does not mean you have AIDS, should avoid sexual intercourse, which is at risk of imminent death or that it is impossible to lead a normal life, just means you have to take special care and great respect and control to their sexual behavior.

How to prevent?

Despite the reasonable studies and investments, there is currently no vaccine for HIV. Microbicides (designed to prevent HIV transmission during sex) are still being analyzed. However, there are other ways people can protect themselves from this infection, which is the basis of HIV prevention around the world.
Information about HIV and methods of transmission are an essential part of prevention. The HIV information should be provided on the basis of the culture in which it is offered. In addition, this information exchange can be performed in various settings such as schools, campaigns in the media or peer education.
Preventing sexual transmission of HIV
If a person has sex with an infected can also contract the disease. The 'safe sex' refers to what can be done to minimize the risk of becoming infected during sex. Mainly, using condoms consistently and correctly. A person can be sure to protect against this infection by choosing not to have sex, or doing things that do not involve the entry of blood or sexual fluids of another person in her own body. This type of sexual activity is all that is considered 'safe sex'.
Effective sex education is important to offer young people the knowledge and skills to protect themselves from sexual transmission of HIV. Comprehensive sex education should develop skills and attitudes that encourage healthy sexual relations, along with providing detailed information about how to practice 'safe sex'.

How to avoid transmission of HIV through the bloodstream?

A person can protect against this infection to ensure that no infected blood enters your body.
Injecting drug users who share needles or equipment for these practices are at risk of infection. The needle exchange programs can contribute to reducing HIV transmission amongdrug users by providing clean needles and discard those that have already been used.
Health workers may be exposed to infection at work. The most effective way to limit the risk of infection is to use universal precautions with every patient, for example, hand washing and use of protective barriers (gloves, aprons and goggles). When a health worker is exposed to a potential risk of infection at work, it is recommended post-exposure prophylaxis as a preventive measure.

Preventing HIV transmission from mother to child

This type of transmission can be prevented through the use of antiretroviral drugs, reducing the chances that child will become infected from 25% to a percentage less than 2%. Once the child is born, safe feeding practices can also reduce the risk of transmission of infection.
To take these precautions, an HIV positive mother should know their status. Therefore, testing for HIV during pregnancy is a crucial measure of prevention.
mothers can reduce the risk of infecting their babies if:
-Take antiviral drugs.
-Shorten the time and labor.
-Not breastfeed their babies.
Taking antiviral drugs lower the risk of transmission from 20% to 8% or less. Shortening the time of delivery reduces the risk of transmission and cesarean delivery is reduced to 2%.

Rights of AIDS patients:

Like any human being ill, people with AIDS are entitled to care and affection of those around them, without fear of being infected.
Your rights are also the:
1. Be informed and inform their sexual partners, and also a right to them and their responsibility.
2. Be treated as people and defend their rights to respect, solidarity, love and support.
3. Receive appropriate and timely medical care, quality and warmth.
4. To continue in school or work if others know of their disease.
5. To keep the secret to those who deem it necessary.
6. Unless conditioned to work up public transport, travel, go to the hospital, shop, shopping, cinemas or any other public place.
7. Unless forced, or force someone to have sex.
8. to use and preventive measures are used as condoms.
9. A comprehensive assistance, physical, medical and psychological.
10. To be treated well within his family.