domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Animal Rights

Animal Rights
The Danta or Tapir.

The tapir is the largest and heaviest mammal of tropical America. It measures seven feet long and one meter tall and weigh about 250 kilograms. It is an herbivorous animal and remains in the jungle, surrounded by lush vegetation and near water bodies like lakes and marshes. During daylight hours, the tapir remains hidden, while at night emerges from the woods to feed freely. Their habits are aquatic, as it takes, often, baths to cool and regulate their body temperature. Also, take advantage of their swimming ability to escape quickly from any threat. On the other hand, used to take mud baths that are used to eliminate parasites from your skin big. This species was hunted in abundance in past decades for the production of meat and leather, hence their populations have declined severely and now to day is not so named, its scientific name is Tapirus terrestris.

habitat and feeding.

They are found in forested environment in near water, can also live in open water and distant. Maintains a large population in the Amazon jungle and hillside of Andes.Son omnivorous, although their diet is based on plant material. They eat fruit, leaves and herbs mainly, but also eat aquatic plants, tree bark, coconut. Also small vertebrates and invertebrates.


They mate in April, May or June, reaching sexual maturity in their third year of life. Women go through a gestation period of 13 months (390-395 days) and usually have one calf every two years. Tapir newborns weigh about 15 kilos and are weaned in about six months.

Action to recover this endangered animal.

 *  Avoid cutting down trees
 * Take photographs
 * Transmit information
 * Create campaign against the hunting of tapir
 * Create awareness in each of the Venezuelan

And last picture of our exposure:

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